Friday, April 24, 2009

My Prayer

Current Prayer: lj20090424f0143ppj414Library:

Here is my current prayer, my current goals: my current direction: my current mindset: this is where I am, right now: this is what is on my mind, right now: this is what is on my heart: listen, carefully: and at the end, you decide. Will you believe in what I am saying? Do you believe in being simple?

This is my prayer.

Right now, for the summer of 2009.
For my life. For the future.
This is all what I am telling myself.
I think God is speaking through me, moreover.
But that is beside the point.
But the point is about consistency. And thriving.
And this is also a change of direction.
A change in perspective.
A specific shift in goals.
I cannot believe that I am doing this.
I never thought I would do this.
I always thought that this all would be beneath me.
I think I am changing from deep inside.
This is all so hard to explain.
This is all so complicating.
And at the same time, it is also very simple.

But here is my prayer.


Or camp.
Or just any job.
For the summer. Or what about after the summer?
What am I doing with my life?
Why did I have to leave ABC (Bible College)?
Why am I not a youth pastor?
Why am I not making a big difference in this world?
Why am I so poor?
Why am I not dominating the big screen?
Why am I not married?
Like Will Smith? Why this? Why that?


Never mind that for now because I need to wait.
And waiting is somehow connected with faith. With intution.
With following Jesus.
I think.


Here is my intuition. What is that, intuition?
My intuition is telling me to stay here.
In Portland, OR, USA. Live a simple life, for now.
Keep it simple.
I have to say this. Keep it simple.
Because I always make things not simple.
And I always get stuck inside rabbit holes.
I always get stuck in a divided spirit.
I always get stuck in the middle of the whole world.
I am always trying to do too much.
I always write too much, too. LOL
No, really. I am seroius.
I am always trying to be the Savior, save the world.
Do it all. Bow down to me.
But no. No. Keep it simple. Focus.
Pace yourself.
What is that faith? No. Faith. I did not forget you.
Ok. Maybe just a little. Sorry, faith.
This is what I am telling myself in life.
We are in a race.

Learn to enjoy the moments.
(the nightmares in life, moreover)

Not just the good Kodak moments.
The secret to life. I think. Goes beyond that.
Learn to have perspective, joy, faith, love, you know.
In the mist of the storm.

Slow and steady. Keep it coming.

Consistency. You can do it. Only through Jesus (L4OJ).
Ministry. We are all called into it.
Do not get burnt out. Never let go..
Follow Jesus. Have that faith. Be that light. Do not worry.
Be an example.
Be simple.
Help people out.
Calm down. Do not be so crazy.
Pace yourself. Be above approach.
Prepare yourself for the future.
Set my priorities on Jesus. Early in the morning.
Each day. Be a light, where I am.
That is my decision. To be a living martyr.
That is my prayer.

I must say.

This decision. To live as simple as possible.
This prayer.
Believe it or not.
But for all of my life.
I have always been against such a prayer.
Why should I be a servant?
Why would I choose to live this kind of life?

Php.2:5: 1Jn.4:19: Ro.8:28: Pr.3:5-6.

In other words:

In conclusion, just to keep it simple:
I just want to do AmeriCorp, I think.

What do you think?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pray Pray Pray, The answer's on the way! ;>) PUSH Pray Until Something Happens!! God is faithful!