Monday, November 12, 2007

To Do

You know that I am part of this team in Hawaii, right? You know that we do things. You do things. We all do things. But how we go about doing those things may change from time to time. What is most effective? Waking up early and doing what you gotta do, first.

I've been trying to wake up every day at around 5am. Pray. Read my most favorite Book ever, the most popular Book ever, the most reliable Book ever, the most Lovable book ever.

I also listen to music. Play basketball. Eat oatmeal and fruits. I try to start out my day best. That is my to do list in perspective and priority. i want to love life. We do many things.

I'll tell you more, later, but until then, I gotta wake up early.

If I don't then I don't ever really wake up.

I love life. Waking up. Ready to do what I gotta do then helps.

Tell me what you do.

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