Monday, November 12, 2007


Before I share this story, know this: I am a pile of blocks. My blocks were knocked down. Grrr. Oh man. Sad. But they are being rebuilt.

Now, this story. Last Tuesday, I was walking to the YMCA, that afternoon, but ended up running into some strangers.
Peter Piper, as I'll call him, pleaded that I find him a place to stay. He'll pay the monthly rent. But he doesn't have an ID or social security. He's 57. Born in Texas. Sad. One time he got like a baboonic plaque; his arm turned green; when he cut it on glass. And that was several years ago. He does work but it's tough. But I ran into him, that day, and it sure is mysterious....

Mike wanted money to take the bus home. I didn't have anything. He assured that I could help. I could afford it, he said, and at least I can come home to my wife. Wow. I'm married and I work here? I don't look that old, do I? Mike, now, is like thirty, with glasses, but must still live with his mom. Huh. Hole in his hat. And he claims to be a hobbit. Sometimes he would remind me of things we did together, or things I did. Things I didn't do. Ah. Never mind.

But all this was a surprise, and there is more where that came from....

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