Friday, November 2, 2007

Give Then Get

Get Then Give was my life.

The picture represents the people at this Young Adult Retreat. 10/07. We talked about giving then getting. Or better yet, about unfailing love. Aint nothing better. That is cool. Great people here. Cute people and all that. When you go to a retreat full of singles.... where's the love... more than a feeling. It's a doing. An action. An honor. Wow. yeah. Aint nothing better.
Be a pounding heart.
And who is that cutie in the pink. Wow. Get his number. But yeah. Life may be hard when living a life of love like in what we do but it is eternally worth it, baby. True that.
Imagine your heart stopping.
Better: imagine Christmas without joy. But most of the world has that. Sorry. But get this. Over ten years ago. For many Christmases. Dad spend too much. As normal. Mom depressed. The younger I was. Less I knew. More happy. Joy. Ignorant. Boy eating oatmeal. Peeing bed. Picking nose. Video games. Climbing tree. Riding bike. Ignorant. Full of joy. But still in need. Happy but in a trailer. Optimistic but in a ghetto. bad things. Ya know. But lacking food. Lacking sanity. Lacking. Whatever and thank you very much. But then at the door.

Or on the porch.

Groceries in boxes. Sometimes toys. Amazing. From who. Several different places depending on the year. Sometimes it was unknown. But we needed it. Made a difference in my life. One year I received shinny new Power Ranger action figures. My favorite. Like icecream for fat people. But the people that stand out in my mind. The ones that helped were those from Salvation Army. That is how I first heard about them. Nice. Later saw their stores, I believe. The Good Shepperd may be one of their stores. But it surprised me. What do you think? Later, I've seen people ring this bell next to this case, this kettle, this box, near a store like Walmart, the Bi-Mart. Not good impression. Man in his forties or less. Roughly shaved beard. Glasses. A little overweighted and not healthy. Better yet, he wants to talk to you, smile at you, say God bless, and better yet beyond anything, he like

wants my money.

Ah. What to do. I don't want to look at him because he may smile with his unbrushed smile and foul breath or whatever. Baggy clothes. it could not be that bad but I was scared. Still almost am. But people who give then like get. Not to persuade you to give. But remember the heart behind giving. Unless if you're heartless. Ok. never mind that. Bad joke. But true for you Scrooges out there.

Opportunity is here.

I will help. You can too. If not then don't sweat. Just hear what I got to hear. You see. I've heard that people ring that Salvation Army bell but then they dare to talk to those people that come. Become their friends. Seek to help them. I don't know. It can happen. If you have the heart then amazing things can happen. You think? I think. And that is all that matters. Just kidding. What my Master thinks is all that matters. I plan to ring the bell. I already talk to people and I have many stories of that. Hold your pants and horses for my stories. They will come. But Christmas is coming. People give to people who don't need any more junk, or rubbish as they say it in Hawaii. That is why it is so hard to find the right present for someone because there is no right present, in a way. I dare myself to support third-world children. What do you think? What gives you joy? Giving does so much.

Giving from others helped me.

If you know who I am and what I am all about then you may be excited that people haved helped me. many people. Each person that gave was not sure if that one little thing was going to help but it did. They did not know. When I help others I don't know if that one thing will help. I then feel depress and sometimes unto death. But it helps. And I am excited about that. Give then get is what I got to say.

Give And Get.

Ok. Life is dripping down the drain. I need to write more letters to the people on the street. If you are reading this then I would like to hear your stories on giving and getting. Is there anything better?

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