Sunday, January 25, 2009

Being Forever Lost

I can tell you that I am growing up.

But never forget to laugh? Can you still love life in the mist of the storm? Can you still come to Jesus, at the start of each day, hug Him, embrace Him, and ask Him to direct your day? I think that I better. I am getting better at that kind of discipline, that kind of perspective. Stop getting lost? Stop being so spaced out. Live in the moment with all that you have, even when your glasses snobs your joy.

This last weekend, you were at the young-adults retreat, but you were so absent from it in your mind. You are too worried about the future. You are too caught up in self-reflection, in abusive self-improvement, in trying too hard for too long. I am glad that you took a nap, today. I am glad that you went to the retreat, this weekend. Stop being too defensive, too negative, too unrealistic, too distant from others. If you want something then you should pray about it. I know what you think about. I know that you get lonely at times. I know that you really do want to improve on how you treat people, especially girls. I appreciate your desire and I plea that you continue towards the journey of change. Do not get caught up in what you cannot do, or in what you should not do. You know that people love you. Take care of your friends.

You do not even have time to talk about the negatives in life. God did not abandon you. You are not lost. You are not in unknown territory. All things work together for good. You wash dishes and work with kids. You do not have a working computer, yet. You are not were you want to be in life, sure. But you have that ability to get there. Give it time and come back to the heart of worship.

If you must, get a third job.

However, you are not lost, I see your personality, everyday. Take care of yourself. Continue to make people laugh and feel good. Study as you can. Again, take care of yourself, please. Financially, take care of yourself.

How many times do people have to come up to you and encourage you, huh? You are suppose to be encouraging them? Go back out into laugh and live it for once.

You are not actually lost, forever! You are actually found, forever!

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