Monday, November 26, 2007

Bell Ring?

I got to bell ring, ae?
11/26/07 m 2:17pm hst jsa office RevHi Update BOG
WHAT IS BELL RINGING? I need money but Salvation Army needs more, so that they can help others. Bell ringers seem scary, I thought as a kid, but something happened when me and Cory were driving around and helping the bell ringers, with the kettles full of money, close for the day.
SMILE: I need to smile just like the eighty-something year old woman bell ringer who was so encouraging, cheering, and could still walk by herself. I look up to angels like her, who are as sweet as butter but as man as steel.
GO: even if you are a short three feet tall man bell ringer, and even if I came to you about a half hour too late, you can still smile and show the world that you got something deep inside that is worth living for, yeah?

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