Monday, October 29, 2007

Jeffrey Walters

Stop crying.

Open your eyes. Stand up strait. Hope is here. Grace is here. Joy is here. Well... chuckle at this. Jeff is here.

He is the passion of Revolution Hawaii. He is a writer. He is intense. He is a man. He is ugly. He is wonderful. I love him. I hate him. I can't aint like do nothing like without him. He is a rebel. He is a man. He is scars and all. He is a tear and a bird. He will talk to you about what matters most in life.

He is not scared.

He will get you. He will. His past is of many. He is like pimp. He is like anew now. He is a woman's best dream and a man's headache. He is the best of things and the worste of things.

He is our team.

We need him. And he is here. Kids may think he is not always funny. Never mind that. He may be weird. But who is not? He is a basketball player. He is a rapping music singing homie.
Jet Plane.
People have called him. During the summer, campers knew him as the Treeduck. I was his co-counselor. Camp Kuratli. The Wilderness camp for teens, ages 12-16. There were about 16 campers during the eight weeks.
But Jeff told some of the rougher campers the truth. Even the darker and bigger ones. Jeff like was the man out there. We lived with campers. We taught them life lessons. And now, in Hawaii, we seek to do the same.
Life lessons.
He seeks to hang with anyone. No matter who you are. To care. like a mother but in a good way. What is better. He seeks to become friends with the friendless...

And he wants to be your friend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

isn't he already my friend.
he's an awesome guy;
had a awesome time hanging out with him and joey of course.
my girl-joey!!!
but i hope to see you guies again!!!