Sunday, October 28, 2007

Door To Door

From about 10am until 2pm, each Saturday, we, the Revolution Hawaii team, hang. There are seven of us on the team. We have chosen a community to focus on. Three of us spend time with the homeless at the beach. Me, Cory, Martina, and Jess, however, spend our time in another city. This one apartment complex neighborhood like ghetto that we spend time in is neat. Many kids. Some are poor. But never mind the good and bad in this neighborhood that features over 200 apartments with around five or more in each one.

We knock on the doors. We are like saints of the latter day saints. Huh. Just kidding. We just let them know we are and see how they are. We may even pray with them if they want. Sometimes they don't want it. Why talk to a higher power that made everything. To a Creator? Like God cares? Or maybe I already prayed. Or I'm Budhist. But sometimes they tell us of a sick son or even worse problems. They over us food. Invite us in. They sometimes pray. Kids sometimes pray. Last week, kids followed us and would introduce us to the people. Wow.

You never know what is going to happen.

But it is a lot of work./ There is no way that I can like everything or everyone. Who can? But I do know that I am glad I came despite anything. I could have stayed in Oregon but then I just had to. Sometimes life is like that. I would love to tell you more about the adventures in Hawaii but stay in tune. Tell a friend.

Tell a friend and stay in tune for more adventures for the next ten or so months.

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