Monday, March 3, 2008


What am I living for? What are yo living for? L4 is a super important question. I try asking people about this because it is the first half to my motto and slogan and mission in life. And what is better? Ain nothing better? And I will tell you that you must never let anybody tell you what to believe. You must never ever be forced into what you believe. because how can you really believe it then? I mean, you must somehow decide to believe it from depths of your own souls. Never be a robot and let people make decisions or destiny paths for you at all. Why not. I am not sure. But you must. I must. We must all be strong and confident in what we believe. Believe in whatever you want. If you do not want to believe in God or anything then that is fine with me. I cannot convince you into anything. I mean, I would love to try to convince you into believing the destiny and path and life and all that is within what I believe but I must not do that. I never know if my words truly make a difference or not. But I will speak and pray that I be heard.
Go live out what you love. That is all I will ask. Find out what you love so dearly and then ask yourself if you are willing to live it and to die for it... even harder, I would ask you to live it out and to really live it in each day and each word and each expression over depression and all that. I must ask myself that.
But I want you to know that there aint nothing better. I mean, what is good to the last drop? What can save all eternity and all that. Just keep your eyes open for what is best in life. If you are reading this then just remember that I care. When I write this I have an eye on who might be reading this. But I am not exactly sure what you are thinking. But I would love to hear from you. But I know that life must be lived with a passion and a heart that is stronger than anything.

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