Monday, March 3, 2008

After church (O.3/2/08) ,
[] I ran over to Babs (28 years old, apx.) in Tent City (where they live in tents). Tears covered his face, while he told me about the girl that gave him his nickname because she disappeared, several years ago. I told Luis, while we were pushing Babs several blocks (in a shopping cart) to Saint Luis for lunch, that missionaries are suppose to help people. But he smirked that I was making a difference. And then I was telling Babs about how we have things in common. We both have alcoholic dads. And we both love talking to people. At one point, I pushed him to one part of the sidewalk, after lunch. Then I saw a puddle dripping down.

But when you gotta go then you got to go.

And then Babs told me about how they had a toaster, one time. And they would camp out near a bus stop. And they would use an outside plug-in. later, we ran into more people. One man gave Babs a Bible, kissed him for some seconds on the lips, and basically called me Bill Gates with bucky teeth. I even ran into Kelani who must not be on the streets anymore… I told him that he looked so good.
And then he gave me bus directions.

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