Jo Arnold
Revolution Hawaii
2950 Manoa Road
Honolu, HI 96822
Cell: 503-367-4695
Below is a link to a video that points out the secrets to Hawaii's deaths, depression, and downfall. I mean, Hawaii is not only paradise, because it is also a sad place to live in if you are a kid. Because some kids have horrible parents. We need people, and we support, so that we can fix all that.
And we are changing the lives of kids and adults. Because of our work, we have seen around four homeless, addicts, and such leave the streets to pursue recovery. Because there is hope, no matter who you are. If you would like to join our support team then make your checks payable to The Salvation Army, and include my name ("Jo Arnold") on the memo line. I have raised about $1,500 of my needed $4,000 for this year. But do pray about this before sending me money. I would rather you pray for me then to send me money without prayer. But you may not be sure what Revolution Hawaii is all about. But check out the official site and tell me what you think. But you don't have to send me money. But you should at least let me know that you have read this or that you know that I am in Hawaii. That is all I ask. Can you write to me and let me know how life is. You don't need to send me money. But I need money. I mean, God knows what I need. But I want to hear from you. This is not a scam. If you know me then you know that I have lost contact with so many people because I am in Hawaii. And I am staying busy doing a lot of study, volunteer work, and such. If you were doing this then I would want to send you money. Just a thought. But let me know how I can pray for you. And let me know of any questions or comments.
Negativity will kill humanity. And it does.
But why am I so negative?
I mean, I have been known as a doctor at encouraging others. I have encouraged hundreds. And I am serious. I have wrote to so many. I may not know very many people, too well, but I know enough. I know that life can be better for anybody. But I have turned into a monster during this year. I have becoming more down than usual. And I hate to confess that. You can notice that I am crazy or joyful, at times, but not enough. I can do better. But I forget that God needs to breath through me. But what does that mean? Can God breath through me? But He can.
And you must watch this next video, also.
What is better?
Than living for what is best?
For helping people escape the bondage of becoming homeless and such. It is sad to see kids grow up to become bums. But there is hope for them. life can be better. And you can be part of that.
Wait then date!
I must stop my busy life.
I must stand still and know that He is God.
I mean, I must rest and breath.
And then I must date with life.
I must enjoy what God has gave me.
Too often will I be forced to wait in traffic, or I am waiting to buy something, but I am not dating with the world that I am in. My mind is somewhere else.
But if I am here then I should be here. I tell people that they should be where they are but they do not totally understand what I mean by that. But what is better than being here because you are here. People would rather run and hide.
And I run and hide from everything.
And I do not want to face the consequences to my actions, at all. And these words do go for me. while I am on Revolution Hawaii, I must learn to love my brothers and sisters, as my legendary friends, Lincoln Hawk and Rob Noland, do tell me. I mean, my whole team tell me to love people but I have a hard time wanting to love the people off the streets. And I would rather be somewhere else. but if I am here then I should be here. but is that possible. But really.
If I am here then I should be here!
If I am physically around druggies, drunkers, homeless, kids, and such, then I need to have a heart that goes out to them. I need to learn how to love: 1 Corinthians 13 talks about it. Our team memorized that chapter, around September of 2007. I still remember parts of it. But I cannot love by myself. I am not naturally a loving man. But I must learn to wait and let God work through me: and we learned and memorized that in the first chapter of James. I still don't have that memorized, yet. But come Tuesday, I ought to. I can kiss procrastinating to not learning that, goodbye. I can also say I Kiss Dating Goodbye, because that is the last book we read. And I am Too Busy Not Too Pray (another book we read) because prayer is gold and all. Ya know, dog. But I must be positive when I say all this because what is better because I am here writing all this.
And this is where I would ask you what you think of me.
I have been
asking people about that.
I have been working on myself.
Because life
is for service.
And I want to serve God by serving others.
I was crying out to God about that, just the other day.
And I want to learn to be all that I can be.
If you are not sure what Revolution Hawaii is all about then just know that we are daring people to not live out their dreams but to live out God's dream for each one fo them because He knows better, yeah? I mean He does. Have a day of solitary to think about that. I mean, go and wait. I mean, go spend time out with God in the woods with God and the Bible. That would be better than anything the world has to offer. You can object with that. And Even I would not want to do that. But there is nothing better than hanging out with Dr. Hang. . We are daring people to be all that they can be. I would love to object to these words that I am writing and so would you but life is better this way.
And I am making a difference.
And that is why I can be positive.
Because of who I am.
Because of who I was.
Because of all that I went through.
Who I am and was the window to who I will be.
And because of my past, I can help others.
Because I have been through it.
Through what? Just wait and find out, dog. yeah. I mean, life is tough. But I was always around it. But I thought it was normal. My siblings knew that our family was dysfuntional but I knew so little. I was almost not born. I was partly deaf around the age of one. I was far behind educationally, and couldn't talk well, until high school. Then I wanted to go after money but somehow started attending Bible college in New York and West Virginia. And I can say so much about that path through high school and college, that I took. I can talk about how I was going to spend the next couple of years of my life in pursuit of getting my mom a career with something to do with music, counseling, tutoring, research, and such. Right now, she is almost divorced with my abusive alocholic dad. She is being taken care of by some friends but she is still running into financial and health problems. Pray that a ministry finds her. But she encouraged me to go through this year-long training program for life and everything. It sounds crazy that she rejected my help. I wanted to help her find a job or ministry. But then again, I wanted to go to Hawaii, anyways. And so, here I am. But then again, I never knew that life can be so bad in Hawaii. Life is not so much different over here. But I am learning so much while out here. But that is easier said than believed. But have faith over the facts.
I must have faith over all the facts. With all the kids that I meet. I am planting seeds into so many. And you are planting seeds in others. We often plant bad seeds into people and they later turn into rotten fruit trees of death. But I pray that we can learn how to give to help others give so that others can give and live and so forth. And life is amazing, sweet, wonderful, best, and ever going beyond anything. And that must be said over all the voices of the past and future. I must do so much for this world but it starts in the morning.
Help me with that.
Tell me what you think.
Jo Arnold
Revolution Hawaii
2950 Manoa Road
Honolu, HI 96822
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